Thursday, February 5, 2009

Counting Down

We are starting our count down today. Erin will be coming home three weeks from today, February 26th, and we can't wait. We still have not received final plans for her arrival. We might just have to hang out at the airport all day. We'll post a child at each gate. We did receive a copy of her "honorable release" to the Stake President and at the bottom of the letter it said "cc:parents/w travel plans." I think maybe the secretary isn't getting paid enough.

Time has flown by so fast. Before we know it Matthew will be home and Adrian and Casey will be leaving together.


Leslie said...

Congrats! I can't believe she's coming home already!

Airi said...

How wonderful for all of you!! Hope all is well and that you are keeping yourself sane...I'm sure trying to. I saw a pic of Steve in Paul's missionary album...didn't even recognize him! Oh, we are going on a 3night cruise for valentines day! Paul's brother called us up to join them so we are! I'll call you later!

i'm erin. said...

wow, I can't believe it is going to be that soon. It has really gone by fast. I am so excited to see her...because isn't she coming out to byu? i hope so.